Chapter 3: Multiple regression in action


In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn import linear_model

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline 
# If you are using IPython, this will make the images available in the notebook

In [3]:
boston = load_boston() 
dataset = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names)
dataset['target'] =

#1. CRIM: per capita crime rate by town 
#2. ZN: proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft. 
#3. INDUS: proportion of non-retail business acres per town 
#4. CHAS: Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise) 
#5. NOX: nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million) 
#6. RM: average number of rooms per dwelling 
#7. AGE: proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940 
#8. DIS: weighted distances to five Boston employment centres 
#9. RAD: index of accessibility to radial highways 
#10. TAX: full-value property-tax rate per $10,000 
#11. PTRATIO: pupil-teacher ratio by town 
#12. B: 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town 
#13. LSTAT: % lower status of the population 
#14. MEDV: Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

In [4]:
observations = len(dataset)
variables = dataset.columns[:-1]
X = dataset.ix[:,:-1]
y = dataset['target'].values

0 0.00632 18.0 2.31 0.0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900 1.0 296.0 15.3 396.90 4.98
1 0.02731 0.0 7.07 0.0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2.0 242.0 17.8 396.90 9.14
2 0.02729 0.0 7.07 0.0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2.0 242.0 17.8 392.83 4.03
3 0.03237 0.0 2.18 0.0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622 3.0 222.0 18.7 394.63 2.94
4 0.06905 0.0 2.18 0.0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622 3.0 222.0 18.7 396.90 5.33

In [5]:

count 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000 506.000000
mean 3.593761 11.363636 11.136779 0.069170 0.554695 6.284634 68.574901 3.795043 9.549407 408.237154 18.455534 356.674032 12.653063
std 8.596783 23.322453 6.860353 0.253994 0.115878 0.702617 28.148861 2.105710 8.707259 168.537116 2.164946 91.294864 7.141062
min 0.006320 0.000000 0.460000 0.000000 0.385000 3.561000 2.900000 1.129600 1.000000 187.000000 12.600000 0.320000 1.730000
25% 0.082045 0.000000 5.190000 0.000000 0.449000 5.885500 45.025000 2.100175 4.000000 279.000000 17.400000 375.377500 6.950000
50% 0.256510 0.000000 9.690000 0.000000 0.538000 6.208500 77.500000 3.207450 5.000000 330.000000 19.050000 391.440000 11.360000
75% 3.647423 12.500000 18.100000 0.000000 0.624000 6.623500 94.075000 5.188425 24.000000 666.000000 20.200000 396.225000 16.955000
max 88.976200 100.000000 27.740000 1.000000 0.871000 8.780000 100.000000 12.126500 24.000000 711.000000 22.000000 396.900000 37.970000

Using multiple features

In [6]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

In [7]:
Xc = sm.add_constant(X)
linear_regression = sm.OLS(y,Xc)
fitted_model =

0 1 0.00632 18.0 2.31 0.0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900 1.0 296.0 15.3 396.90 4.98
1 1 0.02731 0.0 7.07 0.0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2.0 242.0 17.8 396.90 9.14
2 1 0.02729 0.0 7.07 0.0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2.0 242.0 17.8 392.83 4.03
3 1 0.03237 0.0 2.18 0.0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622 3.0 222.0 18.7 394.63 2.94
4 1 0.06905 0.0 2.18 0.0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622 3.0 222.0 18.7 396.90 5.33

In [8]:
# As an alternative, this example is using the statsmodels.formula.api module
# Equivalent to the R syntax for linear models, it requires to specify the form
# of the linear regression using 'response ~ predictor1 (+ predictor2 + ...)'
#linear_regression = smf.ols(formula = 'target ~ CRIM + ZN +INDUS + CHAS + NOX + RM + AGE + DIS +\
#                                                 RAD + TAX + PTRATIO + B + LSTAT', data=dataset)
#fitted_model# =

In [9]:

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.741
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.734
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 108.1
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 Prob (F-statistic): 6.95e-135
Time: 10:11:41 Log-Likelihood: -1498.8
No. Observations: 506 AIC: 3026.
Df Residuals: 492 BIC: 3085.
Df Model: 13
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
const 36.4911 5.104 7.149 0.000 26.462 46.520
CRIM -0.1072 0.033 -3.276 0.001 -0.171 -0.043
ZN 0.0464 0.014 3.380 0.001 0.019 0.073
INDUS 0.0209 0.061 0.339 0.735 -0.100 0.142
CHAS 2.6886 0.862 3.120 0.002 0.996 4.381
NOX -17.7958 3.821 -4.658 0.000 -25.302 -10.289
RM 3.8048 0.418 9.102 0.000 2.983 4.626
AGE 0.0008 0.013 0.057 0.955 -0.025 0.027
DIS -1.4758 0.199 -7.398 0.000 -1.868 -1.084
RAD 0.3057 0.066 4.608 0.000 0.175 0.436
TAX -0.0123 0.004 -3.278 0.001 -0.020 -0.005
PTRATIO -0.9535 0.131 -7.287 0.000 -1.211 -0.696
B 0.0094 0.003 3.500 0.001 0.004 0.015
LSTAT -0.5255 0.051 -10.366 0.000 -0.625 -0.426
Omnibus: 178.029 Durbin-Watson: 1.078
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 782.015
Skew: 1.521 Prob(JB): 1.54e-170
Kurtosis: 8.276 Cond. No. 1.51e+04

Correlation matrix

In [10]:
X = dataset.ix[:,:-1]
correlation_matrix = X.corr()
print (correlation_matrix)

             CRIM        ZN     INDUS      CHAS       NOX        RM       AGE  \
CRIM     1.000000 -0.199458  0.404471 -0.055295  0.417521 -0.219940  0.350784   
ZN      -0.199458  1.000000 -0.533828 -0.042697 -0.516604  0.311991 -0.569537   
INDUS    0.404471 -0.533828  1.000000  0.062938  0.763651 -0.391676  0.644779   
CHAS    -0.055295 -0.042697  0.062938  1.000000  0.091203  0.091251  0.086518   
NOX      0.417521 -0.516604  0.763651  0.091203  1.000000 -0.302188  0.731470   
RM      -0.219940  0.311991 -0.391676  0.091251 -0.302188  1.000000 -0.240265   
AGE      0.350784 -0.569537  0.644779  0.086518  0.731470 -0.240265  1.000000   
DIS     -0.377904  0.664408 -0.708027 -0.099176 -0.769230  0.205246 -0.747881   
RAD      0.622029 -0.311948  0.595129 -0.007368  0.611441 -0.209847  0.456022   
TAX      0.579564 -0.314563  0.720760 -0.035587  0.668023 -0.292048  0.506456   
PTRATIO  0.288250 -0.391679  0.383248 -0.121515  0.188933 -0.355501  0.261515   
B       -0.377365  0.175520 -0.356977  0.048788 -0.380051  0.128069 -0.273534   
LSTAT    0.452220 -0.412995  0.603800 -0.053929  0.590879 -0.613808  0.602339   

              DIS       RAD       TAX   PTRATIO         B     LSTAT  
CRIM    -0.377904  0.622029  0.579564  0.288250 -0.377365  0.452220  
ZN       0.664408 -0.311948 -0.314563 -0.391679  0.175520 -0.412995  
INDUS   -0.708027  0.595129  0.720760  0.383248 -0.356977  0.603800  
CHAS    -0.099176 -0.007368 -0.035587 -0.121515  0.048788 -0.053929  
NOX     -0.769230  0.611441  0.668023  0.188933 -0.380051  0.590879  
RM       0.205246 -0.209847 -0.292048 -0.355501  0.128069 -0.613808  
AGE     -0.747881  0.456022  0.506456  0.261515 -0.273534  0.602339  
DIS      1.000000 -0.494588 -0.534432 -0.232471  0.291512 -0.496996  
RAD     -0.494588  1.000000  0.910228  0.464741 -0.444413  0.488676  
TAX     -0.534432  0.910228  1.000000  0.460853 -0.441808  0.543993  
PTRATIO -0.232471  0.464741  0.460853  1.000000 -0.177383  0.374044  
B        0.291512 -0.444413 -0.441808 -0.177383  1.000000 -0.366087  
LSTAT   -0.496996  0.488676  0.543993  0.374044 -0.366087  1.000000  

In [11]:
def visualize_correlation_matrix(data, hurdle = 0.0):
    R = np.corrcoef(data, rowvar=0)
    R[np.where(np.abs(R)<hurdle)] = 0.0
    heatmap = plt.pcolor(R,, alpha=0.8)
    heatmap.axes.set_yticks(np.arange(R.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False)
    heatmap.axes.set_xticks(np.arange(R.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False)
    heatmap.axes.set_xticklabels(variables, minor=False)
    heatmap.axes.set_yticklabels(variables, minor=False)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left = 'off', right = 'off') 

visualize_correlation_matrix(X, hurdle=0.5)

In [12]:
corr = np.corrcoef(X, rowvar=0)
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(corr)

In [13]:
print (eigenvalues)

[ 6.12265476  1.43206335  1.24116299  0.85779892  0.83456618  0.65965056
  0.53901749  0.39654415  0.06351553  0.27743495  0.16916744  0.18616388

In [14]:
print (eigenvectors[:,8])

[-0.04552843  0.08089873  0.25126664 -0.03590431 -0.04389033 -0.04580522
  0.03870705  0.01828389  0.63337285 -0.72024335 -0.02350903  0.00485021

In [15]:
print (variables[2], variables[8], variables[9])


Revisiting gradient descent

In [16]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
observations = len(dataset)
variables = dataset.columns
standardization = StandardScaler()
Xst = standardization.fit_transform(X)
original_means = standardization.mean_
originanal_stds = standardization.std_
Xst = np.column_stack((Xst,np.ones(observations)))
y  = dataset['target'].values

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/sklearn/utils/ DeprecationWarning: Function std_ is deprecated; Attribute ``std_`` will be removed in 0.19. Use ``scale_`` instead
  warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)

In [17]:
import random
import numpy as np

def random_w( p ):
    return np.array([np.random.normal() for j in range(p)])

def hypothesis(X,w):

def loss(X,w,y):
    return hypothesis(X,w) - y

def squared_loss(X,w,y):
    return loss(X,w,y)**2

def gradient(X,w,y):
    gradients = list()
    n = float(len( y ))
    for j in range(len(w)):
        gradients.append(np.sum(loss(X,w,y) * X[:,j]) / n)
    return gradients

def update(X,w,y, alpha=0.01):
    return [t - alpha*g for t, g in zip(w, gradient(X,w,y))]

def optimize(X,y, alpha=0.01, eta = 10**-12, iterations = 1000):
    w = random_w(X.shape[1])
    path = list()
    for k in range(iterations):
        SSL = np.sum(squared_loss(X,w,y))
        new_w = update(X,w,y, alpha=alpha)
        new_SSL = np.sum(squared_loss(X,new_w,y))
        w = new_w
        if k>=5 and (new_SSL - SSL <= eta and new_SSL - SSL >= -eta):
            return w, path
        if k % (iterations / 20) == 0:
    return w, path
alpha = 0.01
w, path = optimize(Xst, y, alpha, eta = 10**-12, iterations = 20000)
print ("These are our final standardized coefficients: " + ', '.join(map(lambda x: "%0.4f" % x, w)))

These are our final standardized coefficients: -0.9204, 1.0810, 0.1430, 0.6822, -2.0601, 2.6706, 0.0211, -3.1044, 2.6588, -2.0759, -2.0622, 0.8566, -3.7487, 22.5328

In [18]:
unstandardized_betas = w[:-1] / originanal_stds
unstandardized_bias  = w[-1]-np.sum((original_means / originanal_stds) * w[:-1])

print ('%8s: %8.4f' % ('bias', unstandardized_bias))
for beta,varname in zip(unstandardized_betas, variables):
    print ('%8s: %8.4f' % (varname, beta))

    bias:  36.4911
    CRIM:  -0.1072
      ZN:   0.0464
   INDUS:   0.0209
    CHAS:   2.6886
     NOX: -17.7958
      RM:   3.8048
     AGE:   0.0008
     DIS:  -1.4758
     RAD:   0.3057
     TAX:  -0.0123
 PTRATIO:  -0.9535
       B:   0.0094
   LSTAT:  -0.5255

Figuring out importat features

Working with standardized coefficients

In [19]:
linear_regression = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=False, fit_intercept=True)
# ATTENTION: Normalization = x -xmin/ xmax – xmin   Zero Score Standardization = x - xmean/ xstd

In [20]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
standardization = StandardScaler()
Stand_coef_linear_reg = make_pipeline(standardization, linear_regression)

In [21]:,y)
for coef, var in sorted(zip(map(abs,linear_regression.coef_), dataset.columns[:-1]), reverse=True):
    print ("%6.3f %s" % (coef,var))

17.796 NOX
 3.805 RM
 2.689 CHAS
 1.476 DIS
 0.953 PTRATIO
 0.525 LSTAT
 0.306 RAD
 0.107 CRIM
 0.046 ZN
 0.021 INDUS
 0.012 TAX
 0.009 B
 0.001 AGE

In [22]:,y)
for coef, var in sorted(zip(map(abs,Stand_coef_linear_reg.steps[1][1].coef_), dataset.columns[:-1]), reverse=True):
    print ("%6.3f %s" % (coef,var))

 3.749 LSTAT
 3.104 DIS
 2.671 RM
 2.659 RAD
 2.076 TAX
 2.062 PTRATIO
 2.060 NOX
 1.081 ZN
 0.920 CRIM
 0.857 B
 0.682 CHAS
 0.143 INDUS
 0.021 AGE

Using R squared

In [23]:
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

linear_regression = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=False, fit_intercept=True)

def r2_est(X,y):
    return r2_score(y,,y).predict(X))

print ('Baseline R2: %0.3f' %  r2_est(X,y))

Baseline R2: 0.741

In [24]:
r2_impact = list()
for j in range(X.shape[1]):
    selection = [i for i in range(X.shape[1]) if i!=j]
    r2_impact.append(((r2_est(X,y) -r2_est(X.values[:,selection],y)) ,dataset.columns[j]))
for imp, varname in sorted(r2_impact, reverse=True):
    print ('%6.3f %s' %  (imp, varname))

 0.057 LSTAT
 0.044 RM
 0.029 DIS
 0.028 PTRATIO
 0.011 NOX
 0.011 RAD
 0.006 B
 0.006 ZN
 0.006 TAX
 0.006 CRIM
 0.005 CHAS
 0.000 INDUS
 0.000 AGE

Interaction model

In [25]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
linear_regression = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=False, fit_intercept=True)
create_interactions = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True, include_bias=False)

In [26]:
def r2_est(X,y):
    return r2_score(y,,y).predict(X))

baseline = r2_est(X,y)
print ('Baseline R2: %0.3f' %  baseline)

Baseline R2: 0.741

In [27]:
Xi = create_interactions.fit_transform(X)
main_effects = create_interactions.n_input_features_

In [28]:
for k,effect in \
    termA, termB = variables[effect==1]
    increment = r2_est(Xi[:,list(range(0,main_effects)) \
                + [main_effects+k]],y) - baseline
    if increment > 0.01:
        print ('Adding interaction %8s *%8s R2: %5.3f' %  (termA, \
                termB, increment))

Adding interaction     CRIM *    CHAS R2: 0.011
Adding interaction     CRIM *      RM R2: 0.021
Adding interaction       ZN *      RM R2: 0.013
Adding interaction    INDUS *      RM R2: 0.038
Adding interaction    INDUS *     DIS R2: 0.013
Adding interaction      NOX *      RM R2: 0.027
Adding interaction       RM *     AGE R2: 0.024
Adding interaction       RM *     DIS R2: 0.018
Adding interaction       RM *     RAD R2: 0.049
Adding interaction       RM *     TAX R2: 0.054
Adding interaction       RM * PTRATIO R2: 0.041
Adding interaction       RM *       B R2: 0.020
Adding interaction       RM *   LSTAT R2: 0.064
/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pandas/indexes/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 14 but corresponding boolean dimension is 13
  result = getitem(key)

In [29]:
Xi = X
Xi['interaction'] = X['RM']*X['LSTAT']
print ('R2 of a model with RM*LSTAT interaction: %0.3f' %  r2_est(Xi,y))

R2 of a model with RM*LSTAT interaction: 0.805

Polynomial regression

In [30]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
linear_regression = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=False, fit_intercept=True)
create_cubic = PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, interaction_only=False, include_bias=False)
create_highdegree = PolynomialFeatures(degree=7, interaction_only=False, include_bias=False)
linear_predictor = make_pipeline(linear_regression)
#quadratic_predictor = make_pipeline(create_quadratic, linear_regression)
cubic_predictor = make_pipeline(create_cubic, linear_regression)

In [31]:
predictor = 'LSTAT'
x = dataset['LSTAT'].values.reshape((observations,1))
xt = np.arange(0,50,0.1).reshape((50/0.1,1))
x_range = [dataset[predictor].min(),dataset[predictor].max()]
y_range = [dataset['target'].min(),dataset['target'].max()]

scatter = dataset.plot(kind='scatter', x=predictor, y='target', xlim=x_range, ylim=y_range)
regr_line = scatter.plot(xt,,y).predict(xt), '-', color='red', linewidth=2)

Index(['CRIM', 'ZN', 'INDUS', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'RAD', 'TAX',
       'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT', 'target'],
/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/kernel/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

In [32]:
scatter = dataset.plot(kind='scatter', x=predictor, y='target', xlim=x_range, ylim=y_range)
regr_line = scatter.plot(xt,,y).predict(xt), '-', color='red', linewidth=2)

In [33]:
for d in [1,2,3,5,15]:
    create_poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=d, interaction_only=False, include_bias=False)
    poly = make_pipeline(create_poly, StandardScaler(), linear_regression)
    model =,y)
    print ("R2 degree - %2i polynomial :%0.3f" %(d,r2_score(y,model.predict(x))))

R2 degree -  1 polynomial :0.544
R2 degree -  2 polynomial :0.641
R2 degree -  3 polynomial :0.658
R2 degree -  5 polynomial :0.682
R2 degree - 15 polynomial :0.695

In [34]:
scatter = dataset.plot(kind='scatter', x=predictor, y='target', xlim=x_range, ylim=y_range)
regr_line = scatter.plot(xt, model.predict(xt), '-', color='red', linewidth=2)

In [ ]: